Good morning guys around the world,
after walking along the Tree Top Walk at the Valley of the Giants we had problems you may have while travelling in a campervan. It was washing day and if the washing machine would have been working we wouldn’t have had any problems but it wasn’t the case and it got later and darker and our clothes were still wet. It wouldn’t have been a problem but at 6 o’clock the next morning it started to rain and all our clothes were wet – again. As we couldn’t put all our things in the dryer some t-Shirts should dry in the car but again we weren’t lucky. It didn’t stop raining and our clothes didn’t get dry for the next few days.
It is funny how priorities and problems change “on the road” compared to the ones at home.
For nearly three weeks, we have been in Perth or better say in Fremantle, a city at the beach, half an hour from Perth City. The first days we stayed at Pirates Backpackers, a hostel located in the centre of Fremantle, but the location was the only positive thing about the hostel. The kitchen was ugly, the beds were uncomfortable and the people were weird. One evening we walked out of our room and the smell of marihuana was terrible. The whole hostel smelled like a joint. Although, the management wrote a paper saying they should smoke outside the hostel it didn’t get better.
That’s why we decided to move back to the caravan park in the south of Fremantle, where we save money while feeling more comfortable and happy in our little Australian home.

Anyway, although we wouldn’t recommend the hostel at all, it was good to live in the centre of Fremantle because it was easier for us to explore the City of Fremantle with all its little Cafés, the Fremantle Markets, a market that’s only open at weekends, where you can find fruits, vegetables, other foods, clothes etc. One evening we went to a super cute wine bar and enjoyed some olives while observing the people walking along the street.
We’ve also been to Perth for one day but we couldn’t explore yet everything we wanted.

Furthermore, at the moment we’re selling our beloved campervan. Although there are some couples interested in buying the van, the problem is that it’s registered in Queensland and to change the rego to Western Australia they have to make a car inspection at a mechanic and most of the people are afraid of doing that. That’s the reason why we’ve decided to make an appointment to do this inspection. Hopefully, everything is fine and we don’t have to repair anything. I’m really tense about this appointment tomorrow.
In the meantime, our planes for our trip through Asia have gotten more specific. On the 21st of February, we’re flying to Singapore, where we got the possibility to sleep at the home of Felix’ grand cousin. That’s really good for us because accommodations are very expensive and maybe we’ll get some insider information. Five days after, we’re heading on to our next stop Ho-Chi-Minh-City, where we’re lucky again because we can stay at the home of my mother’s friend. Our last stop in Asia is Malaysia. First, we’re staying in Kuala Lumpur for a few days before travelling to the east coast.
I’m very excited about travelling to Asia. I can’t imagine how the culture and the atmosphere is going to be. We’ll tell you everything about it and we’ll also write a vegan food guide for the different countries.

Until then, we’re enjoying our last days in Australia, unbelievable how fast time passes by. On Thursday, we’ll be going to Scarborough Sunset Markets again. We’ve been there last week and we enjoyed the food-truck market that’s accompanied by nice music and a really good atmosphere.

See ya’,
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